Friday, June 21, 2013

keeping the day light and fresh

Wasn't sure if I could beat my current 5k time at the gym yesterday, but surprisingly without throwing up I did it!  LOL!  Not sure why but by the end of my run my stomach was not very happy with me.  Sometimes the heat effects me and the gym was a tick on the warm side.  However, really happy with my time and even HAPPIER when I got on the scale this morning and hit my 30 lb. weight loss goal!! Achieved!!  Woohoo!!  What a great way to start my Friday morning!!  Tomorrow my plan is to take my running outside early in the morning and see how it feels.  One of my dogs is a great runner, so I figure maybe she can keep me going.  :)

If you went shopping over at Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth yesterday you'll have found they sold out of just about everything.  Including the tank I had ordered.  A little bummed out as I liked that style, but ended up ordering a different one that I liked just as much!  My goal this weekend is to stay out of the stores - NO clothing shopping Katherine!!  When you lose weight, feel great and everything fits again it's darn near impossible I'm finding - so please wish me luck!  ;)

I know I said yesterday that there would not be any cooking going on in my kitchen, but as I threw my lunch together I wanted to use up  a few fruits and veggies before they went bad and decided to create a yummy little Cucumber & Strawberry Salad for today.  I love that J and I hardly EVER eat lunch out at work.  There are vegan options out there, but I hate not being able to control what's "really" in there and then there is the $$ factor.  We save lots not eating out and have noticed that our weekly grocery bill has not changed at all before going vegan.  Again, sticking to a weekly menu and shopping list, shopping what's in season and freezing what we don't use from that week has really helped.

Okay, back to my salad -

Cucumber & Strawberry Salad

1/2 C. Cucumber, peeled and sliced
1/2 C. Strawberries, sliced
1 T. Balsamic Vinegar
1 T. Agave Nectar
1 T. Walnuts, chopped

Mix all ingredients in a bowl or mason jar.  Refrigerate until ready to eat.

Perfect on a warm hot summer day!

Weekend plans?  I am looking forward to a little TLC as I get my hair done tomorrow and we have a new foster puppy join our family tomorrow as well!



  1. Great job on beating your 5k at the gym!!! I have been working on a 5k, too. I try to get a treadmill in front of a fan to help with the heat :)

    And congratulations on your weight loss! That is fantastic!!

    1. Thanks Robyn! The treadmills at my gym HAVE fans in them, they are beyond awesome!! LOL!


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