Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the redheads guide to eating out vegan

Back in March when my husband and I wanted to both eat right (vegan) and lose some weight, we played it safe by eating at home.  Cooking at home is the best way for really controlling what you are putting into your body - down to the very last ingredient.  However, there does come that day that you have to leave the safety of your home and venture out into the real world...and by real world I mean a non-vegan restaurant.

There is always that worry, what if I eat something that was cooked in butter or what if I just can't stand the temptation and eat that chicken wing (my husband worried about this one).  One place we really missed eating at was our local pizza & beer pub (our daughter works there too!).  Will we be shunned when we order our pizza without cheese? Deep breath in, and place order.  Yeah, no one cared.  Heck one of the owners went on to tell us that he's been juicing trying to lose weight.  No one came running out of the back yelling, "NO PIZZA FOR YOU!!" They just served us our veggie-cheeseless-pizza and we enjoyed our meal.

We have been eating out more and more, still making smart choices along the way.  And, we are finding it to be easier and easier!  It actually feels good to be back in the "real world" and not afraid any more!

Here are a few eating out tips:


1. Before going out research the menu online if you can.  This way you can make your smart choices before you even step foot inside.  Sometimes online they might list a vegan menu as well.
2. Don't be afraid to ask for no cheese or does the item contain any cheese, dairy, etc.?
3. If you really think they may give you attitude, tell them you have an allergy to cheese (or meat, dairy, etc)  - the would rather leave it off than kill least I would hope to think so! LOL!
4. Look at just ordering side dishes if there is really nothing for you to choose from.  Most places have lots of good veggie side dishes that would make a great meal when put together.
5. Give yourself the 2% rule, maybe something is cooked in butter...maybe the bun has dairy in it, etc.  You can't control what goes on behind closed doors, so don't beat yourself up.

What works for you when eating out?

Other News From This Redhead

Yes, orders have been shipped this week!  Don't forget to stop by my online store and pickup something to show YOUR Vegan pride!!

Remember to keep watching for my first giveaway!  So excited!!  I know, I keep teasing about this, soon I promise!!

Think I am going to take this evening off from the gym.  Have a few things I would like to get done around the house and a new recipe I hope to share here soon!  I also received a call that Avery's ashes have come in.  Not sure I am ready to pick them and his paw print up this evening.  I have been looking at different options for his ashes, and really hope to find something special for them.  Moving forward...moving forward, this is what I keep telling myself. 

I was surprised that this tragedy never lead me to eat outside of my vegan beliefs.  Did I want beer, yes.  Junk, yes - but it was vegan bread and almond butter I wanted.  Does help when you have a good man by your side as well - thank you to my wonderful husband xoxo


  1. Very helpful! We're venturing out this week for our first restaurant foray, so timing couldn't be better for this post. We're been on the E2 diet for 2 weeks now, my husband has lost 5 lbs, I've lost 1!! Can you give some tips on weight loss & maybe what I may be doing wrong? I hurt my foot so am not exercising, that may be the whole problem!
    I have my cocker's ashes still (its been 5 years) - I couldn't bear to part with him, so have a little "shrine" in my studio with his paw print, ashes & picture. In a small way, it feels like he's still with me.

    1. Glad this post was some help. Men always lose weight so much faster than us girls. When I love my 35 lbs. I really stuck to clean vegan, non-processed eating. I used a journal to track my calories and weight daily. No sweets, no beer. I really focused on what I put into my body, it was a lot of work, but worth it. I would love to lose a few more pounds, but I figure if I can wear my 16 year-olds clothing I'm doing okay lol! I have started adding a few things like beer, good whole wheat bread, etc. back into my diet....but really, I don't feel as good as I had been feeling.
      Thank you for sharing your shrine idea with me, I can't wait to put together Avery's shadowbox of memories this weekend!


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