Wednesday, August 21, 2013

what day is it? what day is it??

Yes, it is hump day!!  I'm ready for the weekend already!!  LOL!  I have been in such a DIY mood that all I can think about is the craft store and ideas that are spinning around in my head!!

Last night I did FINISH my End Table to Dog Bed project!!  The cushion did not take me long at all to make and I must say that I am really happy with it!!

iHop was the first to try it out, after I put him up in it.  He hung out for a while enjoying it!  It's a little hard for him to get in and out of it with his missing front leg.

Steeler jumped right in as soon as iHop got out.  He REALLY liked the bed!  They all like the sofas better, but I had so much fun making it that I don't care who sleeps in it.  It's just pretty to look at!  LOL!

Here was the before table -

Prada Update
We had hoped to sign papers for Prada's adoption last night, but that didn't happen.  Just really want to know that she's ours, we have all fallen head over heals in love with her.  This morning she tried to get one of the Cavaliers to play with her, but kind of squashed her a bit lol!  Not sure Prada knows how BIG she really is.  Her new collar should be here on Friday, she'll be smashing!!

On the Food Front
Not much cooking going on this week lol.  Lunch this week I have kept it simple with veggie sandwiches and left over Butternut Squash Soup.  The bread we buy at our Farmers Market is like crack.  It is over the top yummy!  I am looking forward to Fall and cooler weather so more of the vendors come back out.  When the weather is nice we can spend the day there walking around and eating.  My goal this Fall/Winter - GET OUTSIDE MORE!! There are so many cool things to do where I live and I need to get my butt off the sofa and go out and enjoy life!  Okay, and get my butt back to the gym.  Blah....


  1. Be sure to stop by my blog and enter to win a free Vegan Delish Recipe App for the iPhone & iPad.


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