I have to say Wednesday night was a great night. The boy child and husband went to the Suns basketball game, leaving me home for a nice QUIET evening. Daphne joined me for a walk and then it was leftovers for dinner. However on the walk I decided my evening was going to consist of watching Talking Dead (I had missed it Sunday), hot tea and some AMAZING apple slices with raw peanut butter, walnuts and vegan chocolate chips...they were all I could think about as I was walking! LOL! It was such a nice night and the boys had a BLAST at the game as well. My evening got a little more special as the girl child came home from work around 8pm and actually JOINED me on the couch to watch TV. She's 17 now, and that hardly EVER happens...wait...I think the last time was Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning!
So, the girl child and I watched My 600 lb. Life. Have you seen that show? I was shocked watching this woman Penny who is my age and the life she CHOSE to live. Yes, I believe 100% she chose this life for herself. She married a man who enables her, she believes in the excuses she makes and does not except the real help that was given to her. I love people who CHOSE to make a difference to their life and work hard at it. Hell, some days I would love to stay home in bed and never move. Having my husband bring me non-stop food all day and lie to myself about what I am doing to myself. But the next day I would want to get up and go spend the day with my family having fun at a baseball game, go shopping, etc.
The show just left me over all frustrated. Especially when you hear blame all of the time on the news going out to the medical community for not doing enough to stop obesity. The doctor and nurses who cared for Penny, did everything they could but sit next to her 24/7 and force her to do as they said. Weight loss would be great if you had someone next to you smacking the donuts out of your hand as you were about to stuff them into your mouth. "No donuts for you!" Someone next to you forcing you to workout. "Hey, out of bed and give me 100 push ups NOW!" LOL! That would be awesome and we would all be skinny!! If you have not watched the show, it's worth checking out if you just want to end up pissed off after.
My Top Vegan Finds This Week (non-food & food)
I love me some good vegan shopping and recipes every week and thought I would share my finds from this week!1. Bacon Had a Mom tee shirt. YES, I love this!! Mine should be delivered on Monday!! If you have not checked out Herbivore + Clothing they have some great apparel!!
2. Dinner last night was Vegan BLT Mac & Cheese (sorry we ate it so fast I forgot to take a photo! I did change the pasta out for zucchini spiral cut "pasta" and spiced up the sauce using a chipotle pepper. YUM!
3. I also made one night, have no idea what night now, 15 Minute Brussels Sprout & Tempeh Stir-Fry. Took me longer than 15 minutes, but it was really tasty! Made for great leftovers.
Bring on the Weekend!
Yea, thank goodness it's almost here! What are your plans for the weekend? Myself, some Spring cleaning for sure. Time to break out the Easter decorations. I will be dragging my butt out of bed early for a walk/run both Saturday and Sunday. I always feel 100% better when I do this and weekends are my favorite time to be out. It is so much more quiet and peaceful at that time! Maybe take the greyhound to the farmers market. Might sneak in some shopping...shhhh...don't tell my husband. I also want to play with my dehydrator and try dehydrating strawberries as they are so cheep right now. Laying out by the pool could possibly happen as well. Sunday I look forward to spending a beautiful day with my husband! :) Oh, tonight I'm making a Mexican Pizza for dinner, watch for that recipe coming soon!Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!
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