Friday, February 6, 2015

moving on to day 2

Yesterday was back to day of one of healthy eating, exercise and NO drinking.  Mission completed!  I haven't blogged in so long that I did forget to photograph the amazing dinner I  LOL!  Looking forward to a great weekend of healthy eats, and this time I promise to share recipes!!

Last night we watched a great documentary on Netflix called Hungry for Change.  No mater how much my husband and I learn regarding our health there is always more and more out there to learn about.  This documentary really focused on our bodies and what we put into them and why.  Very eye opening when you think of how chemicals are made to make us become addicted to a food, just like you can be addicted to smoking or drinking.  I love when they talk about the problem is most people are not even eating food any more, but food "like" product.  Yum, that sounds good doesn't it? 
I will be the first to admit, before marrying my husband I don't think I really ever ate fruits or veggies.  I grew up in a home where we ate meat and potatoes...everyday.  When I did start cooking healthy and fresh I had no idea half the time what I was buying, how to use it or cook it - but I will share a secret with you....the internet!  Not too long ago I was standing in the grocery store dumbstruck looking for a veggie that I had NO IDEA what it was, thank you Google, whipped out my phone put in what I was looking for and there it was!  Later I even Googled how to clean it, so freaking awesome! 

Back to Hungry for Change - I loved how they focused on loving yourself, seeing the body you want and that this is not a "diet" but a life style.  Diets end.  Life styles do not.

Redhead Weekend

What's the plan for your upcoming weekend?  I am much need of a weekend and so looking forward to it!  Goal this evening - knock out the grocery shopping and get a run in!  I am convinced that one of these days I will learn to love running...not there yet, but back to trying!  Saturday - maybe some Goodwill shopping (anything I can DYI and spray paint!!), lots of healthy cooking for the next week!  Sunday - talking about fixing/cleaning our bikes back up!  The weather has been so amazing that it's time to get our butts out there enjoying it!!

With Valentine's Day around the corner I had to share one of mine & husbands latest DIY - Love the entry way bench he made me AND my large XO!!  I panted and sanded the XO down for a little distressed look, perfect for February!!!

 Have a happy, healthy and great weekend!!

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