Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges & Mango Dipping Sauce

Some times even being a redhead you have your blonde moments.  Mine today was locking my keys inside my car along with my phone, purse and lunch.  Ugh.  Not sure I have EVER done that before, but huge shout out to On Star!!  Thank you for unlocking my car before my smoothie melted!! LOL!

On a positive note, the scale keeps moving down!  I hate being tied to the scale and the numbers that it produces each morning as I would rather focus on how great I feel and how my clothes are fitting so much better.  I saw a great post today about the fight of the scale and that we shouldn't fully focus on those numbers but make our goal to be Fit as Fuck!  LOL! Love it!!  That's it, that's MY goal!!

Time to share another awesome recipe (actually two) from this weekend!  You'll find the recipe for my Raw Onion & Jalapeno Bread recipe on yesterdays post that went along with my Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges & Mango Dipping Sauce.  When the husband works and I'm in need of a healthy meal for one I enjoy seeing what I can whip up from what I have in the house.  Since my Raw Onion & Jalapeno Bread was done I knew my dinner would include that, but as always I was craving a sweet potato....found some frozen mangos in the freezer and yippee skippy I had dinner!

Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges & Mango Dipping Sauce

Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
1 Sweet Potato, sliced into wedges*
Olive Oil Spray

Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees.  Wash and peal sweet potato and slice into wedges.  Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.  Spray with Olive Oil spray lightly and season with spices.  Toss potato wedges and lay in a single layer and roast for 35-45 minutes, flipping potato wedges half way through.  Remove from oven and let cool.

*This recipe is for one person, use more sweet potatoes as needed.

Mango Dipping Sauce
½ cup Vegan Mayonnaise
½ cup Frozen Mango Chunks, thawed
2 tablespoons Fresh Cilantro
1 tablespoon Agave
1/4 teaspoon Curry Powder
 2 teaspoons Sriracha Sauce (add more or less per your taste)
½ teaspoon Lemon Juice

Using a food processor, add all ingredients and process until completely combined and well-blended. Add more Sriracha if you like it hotter!  Place in refrigerator and chill until ready to serve.

And there you have a quick and yummy dinner!  Save any extra Mango Dipping Sauce as it works great on other meals as well!

One of my goals today is working on my menu for Valentine's Day, so excited!!  The husband and I will be enjoying fresh yummy vegan food ALL day long on Saturday!  Menu and recipes to come soon!!

Have a healthy and happy Tuesday!!

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