Tuesday, July 16, 2013

new store OPEN & tofu edamame toasted lavash wraps

YES, my online store is now open and running!  Please check back often as I plan on adding more product.  Over all, I am very excited to share my "vegan" love with everyone!  Please let me know if there is something not on the store you are interested in, as I am more than happy to create a custom order for you. Having worked professionally in the scrapbook business creating product and writing a couple of books, being creative again feels sooooo good!

On to food...
One of my favorite lunch mixes I like to whip up on the weekends is my tofu edamame mix...LOVE it! Works great on whole wheat bread, over spinach & sprouts (my favorite) or wrapped up and toasted in lavash!  What is great about this also, you can add what you want to it.  Not sure I ever make it exactly the same lol.  Enjoy!
Tofu Edamame Toasted Lavash Wraps

12 oz. Extra Firm Tofu, pressed
12 oz. Frozen Edamame, shelled and rinsed
1 Cup Celery, diced
1 Red Onion, diced
1 Red Pepper, diced
15.5 oz. Can White Beans, drained
2 Cups Red Cabbage, chopped
1/2 Cup Jalapenos, diced
1 t. Garlic Powder
1 T. Cumin
1 T. Red Pepper Flakes
1 Cup (or as needed) Vegan Mayo
1/2 Cup Raw Cashews
Whole Wheat Lavash

Press tofu to remove liquid.  In a large mixing bowl add tofu crumbled up, edamame, celery, red onion, red pepper, white beans, cabbage, jalapenos, spices and mix.  Stir in vegan mayo as needed to coat mixture.  Finish by adding raw cashews. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. To assemble wraps, heat lavash in microwave for 20 seconds just to soften. On lavash add sprouts and Tofu Edamame mix evenly to cover.  Roll lavash up and use tooth picks to hold close.  Slice in between tooth picks to create smaller sandwiches and place in baking dish.  Place in oven for 5-8 minutes until lavash begins to brown. Remove from oven and enjoy!

On The Running Front
Yesterday I hit the gym and was determined to get a good 5k run in, little did I know until later that I beat my best time by almost TWO minutes!  I was in such a good zone while running it was amazing.  I know I need to really pick a 5k and sign my butt up.  Just not sure which one!!  I'm afraid of failing, getting out there and not being able to run.  I need to get over that fear I know and just DO IT.  I give up on myself way to easy. One of my goals this year for myself is not talking myself out of what I "can do."  It's one of those difficult obstacles for myself.

Don't forget to stop by my online store, and please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!!  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. The T shirt is way cute! I enjoy a good wrap and this one does look delicious.

    Congrats on beating your time that is so awesome.


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